Saturday, February 23, 2008

I have to mention that i am so thankful for my family. My kids are so much fun to be around.
I love the moments with Megan in my arms and feeling her soft baby skin. Her warm breathing soothes me at the end of weary days. She still ends up in bed with Daddy and I. She hates being left alone in her crib. I know she is "old" enough to sleep through the night. But, i'm letting her be little and enjoying her dependence on me as long as she needs me.
She loves her Daddy and squeals when he tickles her with his whiskers. She reminds us a lot of Chris when he was little. I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. She will soon be walking. She pulls herself up on her own and is taking steps.
Hello and welcome to our little part of the world! I have finally learned how to create a blog.(thanks to my sis Jen). I am finding it quite addicting and love it already!
We are currently in Florida until March. Bryan is working down here until the snow stops flying in Ohio. We have been here since Christmas. I am homeschooling Chris and Rachel. What a job! I am glad God made teachers besides mothers. I am finding it hard to do both!
We are still in Ohio and have finally finished our house. It has come a long way!
Bryan has his own construction business and does well at it! His goal is to someday build me my castle in the sunset. (sigh)
I have three housecleaning jobs as well as clean our church. It keeps me very busy. I find time to do my house anytime after midnite. :) Which is the reason i had an accident two days before we left for Florida.
I was working too hard and pulling "all nighters". I housecleaned and was on my way to pick the kids up from school. It's a 45 minute drive one way and i got two minutes from the school and fell asleep at the wheel. I woke up sailing through trees and smelling an awful odor. Smoke was all around me. (I knew i couldnt be in hell because there was snow everywhere) Long story short: I hit a telephone pole and went down a ditch and just missed two rows of pinetrees on either side of me. Baby Megan was with me and we both got out without a scratch. They totalled my SUV. It was for the time.
My sport utility that kissed a telephone pole. I felt so bad I ruined it one week before Christmas!
My dear brother in law from FL drove all the way to Ohio and got us. He and Bryan took turns driving back so we could spend the holidays with my family. Thanks Paul!