Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Little Sunshine!

We cant believe our baby will be one year in just a few weeks. She has grown so fast! She is now walking around furniture and is starting to feed herself. She loves talking to the kitty and is starting to mimick our sounds. Her top tooth just came in so that makes three now. Apples are her favorite! I went to the mall the other day. She sat in her stroller and gnawed on an apple for over an hour. I had many moms excited for that new idea for their teething babies. it really helps keep them happy...warning; a bib is greatly needed though.

1 comment:

loree2000 said...

She is such a CUTIE!
She has the sweetest "chubbies". That's what we call those little rolls. :)

My sport utility that kissed a telephone pole. I felt so bad I ruined it one week before Christmas!
My dear brother in law from FL drove all the way to Ohio and got us. He and Bryan took turns driving back so we could spend the holidays with my family. Thanks Paul!